Posted 8/24/2017 11:05:18 AM by Ilana

Chayalim swearing in ceremony

Posted 8/24/2017 11:05:21 AM by Ilana

Party's over

Posted 8/24/2017 11:05:44 AM by Ilana

Putting on his tefillin, davening and leining at the Kotel

Posted 8/24/2017 11:05:55 AM by Ilana

Just a few Picts from pict taking at the Davidson ctr

Posted 8/24/2017 11:06:01 AM by Ilana

7:30am. Waiting for the taxi. All ready to start the festivities.

Posted 8/24/2017 11:10:07 AM by Ilana

Kotel tunnel tour

Posted 8/24/2017 11:30:10 AM by Mo

Western wall tunnel excavations

Posted 8/24/2017 11:35:06 AM by Mo

Finally a moment of respite. On top of a lion.

Posted 8/24/2017 11:35:10 AM by Mo

Israeli Soldier swearing in ceremony

In addition to receiving their gun, each soldier also receives a Tanach, so they should understand the ancient history of the land and what they are defending.

Posted 8/26/2017 11:00:18 AM by Ilana

Cafe rimon dairy on Thursday night

Posted 8/26/2017 11:00:21 AM by Ilana

Lots of love

Posted 8/26/2017 11:00:25 AM by Ilana

Outside shaar yaffo

Posted 8/26/2017 11:00:29 AM by Mo

3 generations

Posted 8/26/2017 1:55:05 PM by Mo

Scabentures Scavenger Hunt

Posted 8/26/2017 2:00:05 PM by Mo

Team 2 - The Big Apples

Posted 8/26/2017 2:00:08 PM by Mo

Team 1 - #Chamipons!

Posted 8/27/2017 8:50:08 AM by Ilana

Scaventure in nachalot

Posted 8/27/2017 8:50:11 AM by Ilana

Waiting to start our scaventure

Posted 8/27/2017 8:55:06 AM by Ilana

Motzei shabbos at the business center in mamilla

Posted 8/27/2017 8:55:11 AM by Ilana

Getting ready for Shabbat

Posted 8/27/2017 8:55:14 AM by Ilana

Our mess before shabbos

Posted 8/27/2017 8:55:16 AM by Ilana

Outside marzipan, getting rug ela has for shabbos

Posted 8/27/2017 8:55:25 AM by Ilana

Scaventure cont'd - team #champions!

Posted 8/27/2017 9:00:05 AM by Ilana


Posted 8/27/2017 9:00:08 AM by Ilana

Migdal dovid